I use my holistic, consciously collaborative healing methods to help climate-stressed trees, crops, and forests regain health.
I had a 25+ year successful career in the agricultural chemical industry. Then, I had a flash of insight that changed my life.
Now I communicate and collaborate with trees, plants, crops, forests, gardens, ecosystems, and other Nature Beings to help them regain their health and balance from the inside-out. No products or cutting.
I love to give talks about my results and the tree healing systems I've developed.
I've written 7 books, too!
Now I communicate and collaborate with trees, plants, crops, forests, gardens, ecosystems, and other Nature Beings to help them regain their health and balance from the inside-out. No products or cutting.
I love to give talks about my results and the tree healing systems I've developed.
I've written 7 books, too!

About Me Healing Trees
I connect with their Life Force and hear their messages.
My work reconnects parts, systems and functions inside of trees and all kinds of plants so they can become healthy, in balance, and in sync.
My work reconnects parts, systems and functions inside of trees and all kinds of plants so they can become healthy, in balance, and in sync.

About Me Restoring Ecological Health
Healthy trees, plants and ecosystems make for a livable planet and a positive future.
I like to give talks.
I am open to new clients, collaborations, and partnerships.
Feel free to email me.
More About MeI am open to new clients, collaborations, and partnerships.
Feel free to email me.