Key Summaries: Saving Big Old Trees
Saving Big Old Trees
Big old trees get sick and need that special bioenergy-based touch of Dr. Jim Conroy's Green Centrics™ and Cooperative BioBalance®, and Dimensional Lightwork systems.
Simply put, the Green Centrics system puts the Green Being at the center of a circular diagram.
Jim goes into "the Zone" to ask questions of the innate intelligence of tree, plant, or other Nature being based on the circular diagram in order to determine what inner functionality has been stressed or compromised. Then, he uses hands-on, bioenergy medicine processes as well as the interaction of consciousness in order to restore healthy patterns of functionality (feedback loops). He works on the Nature Being from the "inside-out" without any products whatsoever.
It's like energy medicine techniques for people that some hospitals are bringing in as complementary healing methods.
Cooperative BioBalance processes use a similar approach, but add the interactions between ecosystem members into the mix.
Dr. Jim Conroy’s healing work with big old trees started in about 2005, early in the history of our business, Plant Health Alternatives, LLC.
Later, we created BioBalia Institute.
Here are stories of just a few of the wonderful big old trees to which Dr. Jim has given his bioenergy and consciousness treatments.
- "Caleb" Beech
- Miriam's Maple
- ...

In those early days, it was usually Beech trees that found their way to Dr. Jim. In fact, we used to say only half kiddingly, that Beech trees would nudge their responsible people to somehow find us and pick up the phone.
From Caleb State Park on Long Island, New York, the park managers found Dr. Jim at an organic landscaping conference in 2006. They didn’t understand what he did but they knew he could help their historic Copper Beech. Dr. Jim worked on it between December of 2005 and mid 2009.
One of the things we learned from this venerable old tree was how trees manage their resources. It couldn’t push new leaves out of many of its ailing old limbs, so it simply started to grow new branches close to the main trunk. This tree and its lesson became a feature in our book Messages from Trees.

Having the advantage of living at the forest’s edge in a secluded valley of northwestern New Jersey, this Maple tree generally thrived. But then, a series of ice storms and severe winters took their toll.
As of 2013, the tree lost many large branches. Sister Miriam MacGillis is the director of Genesis EcoLiteracy Center in Blairstown, NJ, and this Maple is one of her favorites. She learned of our work because the growers of Genesis Community Supported Garden—an adjoining subsidiary of the EcoLiteracy Center—agreed to allow us to do research on their crops.
She asked if we could help the tree survive after climate change extremes of weather did its severe pruning job. Dr. Jim has watched over that Maple tree as if he were a guardian angel to it. In the many years since, the tree has grown healthy new branches and continues to thrive.